| Behind the scenes

Re-statera is part of the Geo-Kat group, which, thanks to its continuous development, offers clients a wide range of construction management services.

Our organisation is a community where everyone plays a key role. It is a wide range of competences in a perfectly complementary organism. Thanks to the successful acquisition of companies with extensive experience(Pagiko, Re-Partament), we have acquired new skills to provide our investors with top quality solutions.

As a group, we are a self-sufficient structure that, with our own personal resources, provides our clients with comprehensive solutions at every stage in the design & build system.

Our group is:

• In-house furniture production – Re‑Partament
• In-house project team – Re‑Statera, Geo-Kat
• Own installation and construction teams – Re‑Statera, Geo‑Kat
• Comprehensive Fit-out – Re‑Statera
• Repairs and conversions – Pagiko

Did you know that we carry out projects for companies all over Poland?

Conversation is the basis for the best collaboration. Get in touch with us!